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Stop Back Pain Massage

Stop Back Pain Massage​


Combination therapies are proven to be much more effective in the fight against muscle pain.


Womas Massage in Rotterdam Centre has designed 4 specific protocols according to your needs:





Combination therapy with chiromassage + infrared lamp + cupping.


Recommended for people who take care of their back but who at a specific moment have an acute pain (no more than 15 days).



Combined therapy with chiromassage + artioil (special balsamic oil for muscular and bone pain) + maderotherapy (stimulation of the circulatory system) + mudtherapy (elimination of oedema and muscular inflammation) 


Recommended for people with deep muscle contractures, lack of joint mobility, inflammation of muscle tissue, in short, your body is telling you that it needs a change.

Personalised STOP BACK PAIN 

This massage technique is personalised according to the client's needs and is mainly aimed at people who have a bad posture, who possibly spend many hours in front of the computer or looking at a mobile screen, bringing forward the natural position of the neck, so that the myofacial and muscle release last innovation techniques are more specific according to the needs of each person. 

This massage can be 60 minutes.


90 minutes including anti-depressive techniques and relaxation of accumulated emotional stress in the facial and cranial muscles with the Tuina Massage technique which is the only one recommended by the Mayo Clinic. 

What is Chiromassage?

is a Chiromassage Technique of the Spanish doctor Ferrandiz Garcia (1893-1981) to soothe muscle pain. 
This massage is combined with stop back pain or pro depending on each client.
The result is amazing at the end of the treatment. 

Some clients have defined it as "now my back has light" or "I feel more positive and cheerful". 

Why Myofacial Techniques? 


The fascia is a membrane that covers the muscles. It does not have the same elasticity and the same ease


as the muscle to contract and elongate, so if the fascia is contracted, the muscle will never be able to


recover its original position. This is why in the latest massage techniques it is mandatory to include the


myofascial technique to ensure the correct function of the muscle. 




X Relaxing massages do not help with these issues.
X Deep Tissue Massage does not help with this problem either, why? 


When a muscle is in an inflammatory process, the last thing it needs is pressure (the only thing we will achieve by applying pressure is to create more inflammation and injure the muscle).


So, when is a deep tissue massage recommended?  When we have a healthy back and we want a preventive massage.

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